Airport Business

About Us

Our Story

Houston Airports provides a safe and dynamic air services network that fosters economic vitality for the transportation industry and facilitates a strong level of global connectivity for diverse and growing population living throughout the greater Houston region.

Our Mission

We exist to connect the people, businesses, cultures and economies of the world to Houston.

Our Vision

Establish the Houston Airport System as a five-star global air service gateway where the magic of flight is celebrated.

Our Impact

The airfields found at the three airport facilities are capable of accommodating virtually any type of aircraft, even those as large as the Airbus A380, on runways that extend up to 12,000 feet.

While the airports represent a significant contribution to Houston and the surrounding communities' economies, the airport system functions as an enterprise fund and does not burden the local tax base to pay for operations, maintenance or capital improvements. The Houston Airport System accomplishes financial self-sufficiency by deriving income from fees, rentals, and other charges. Surpluses generated are reinvested into capital development and bond retirement. According to the most recent economic impact study, the three airports collectively contributed more than $36.4 billion (2019) to the local economy and were directly responsible for more than 190,000 jobs.

Airport Leadership

Airport Leadership

Meet the leadership team guiding Houston Airports.

Annual Report

Annual Report