Investor relations

Capital Improvement Plan

Capital Improvement Program

The IAH Master Plan recommends installation of more aircraft gates and improved terminal facilities designed to enhance the passenger experience. As a result, the major IAH terminal project in the five-year CIP schedule is ITRP (IAH Terminal Redevelopment Program) which revamps the International Terminal D to handle the large wide body aircraft and consolidates international check in processes in a new facility.

The Terminal A Modernization project includes Early and Enabling projects associated with Curb-side capacity improvements designed to correct the current level of service deficiencies at Arrival and Departure Curb-sides for both private and commercial vehicles.

Airfield projects at IAH include Rehabilitation of Taxiway RA, RB, SA, SB, Rehabilitation and Expansion of ARFF Station 92, Airfield Electrical, RON Parking at Terminal A and Central Cargo.

Other projects at IAH consist of Rehab Storm Water Pollution Control System, Central Utility Plant Improvements, Flyover Bridge Construction, Construction of Kenswick Intersection and Storm Water Detention Pond.

Projects planned at HOU include: Non-standard Taxiways associated with Runway 17-35 Decommissioning, and Expansion of ARFF Station 81, Sanitary Sewer System and Flooring in Central Concourse.

Ellington Airport includes the planned projects: Spaceport Development – Associated Utility Infrastructure, Roadways and Environmental Assessments and Construction of Taxiway L.

The FY 2022-2026 Airport Facilities CIP combines various funding sources including the Airports’ Improvement Fund, Airports’ Renewal and Replacement Fund, FAA Grants, Commercial Paper/ General Airport Revenue Bonds (GARBs), and Passenger Facility Charges (PFCs) reflecting the growing demand in passenger segments, capacity for large (wide-body) aircraft and other rehabilitations.