Debt Ratings
Debt Ratings
The debt ratings for the Houston Airport System, which are rated separately from the City of Houston, are shown below. The major rating agencies provide a rating for outstanding debt at both the senior and the subordinate debt levels:
Subordinate Debt Rating:
Fitch: A-
Moody's: A1
Standard & Poor's: A
NR: Not Rated
** KBRA applies to City of Houston, Texas Airport System Subordinate Lien Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2021 (AMT)*
Please note these long-term ratings are as of August 01, 2024, are provided for information purposes only, are simply posted for convenience and are subject to change without notice. Credit ratings are solely the opinions of the rating agencies. The Houston Airport System and the City of Houston, Texas does not endorse, and accepts no responsibility for, the credit ratings issued by the rating agencies. Credit ratings may be changed, superseded or withdrawn by the rating agencies at any time. You should not rely on this information to make any investment decision but rather should consult with your broker.